Monday, May 16, 2011

Salt: Movie or Reality?

In this age of heightened security and more naturalized citizens are being employed into government positions. Is the concept of the movie Salt just an act of brilliant creativity or a dangerous reality?

Salt focus' on a CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) agent named Evelyn Salt, played by Angelina Jolie, has worked as a spy for the United States. An unexpected Russian visitor to the CIA has a sit down with Salt in an interrogation room and tells her about Day X which is a Russian plot to bring the demise of the United States by killing the Russian president. He also tells her of sleeper agents trained from birth and the first experiment was of a young male baby that when was older replaced Lee Harvey Oswald and in the success of assassinating the United States President John F. Kennedy began to make more and more indoctrinated soldiers.

The Russian visitor, Vasilly Orlov, played by Daniel Olbrychski, causes dissension when he accuses Evelyn Salt of being a Russian spy. She then goes on the run to seek out the truth and the CIA is chasing right behind her more specifically her partner Ted Winter, played by Liev Schreiber and Agent Peabody, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Are sleeper agents in the United States government possible? I guess in this day and age anything is possible. All a person needs is the right documentation that can be either bought or altered. This is a scary thought, but a realistic one. With more foreigners, naturalized citizens and gain more positions in the government the concept of Salt could turn out to be real. Now days you a place and you can barely understand the person on the other end, but yet they will get the jobs, but Americans will not. Its almost maddening. You almost hope that there is no one that smart or sinister to think of such a plot that is ingenious.

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