Wednesday, June 8, 2011

X-Men First Class

It was a Saturday night and the theater was all abuzz. My ticket was torn and I was directed to stand in a forming line to be let into the 10:20 showing of X-Men First Class. I took my seat in the back row which is where I like to sit and quickly joined by others as the place began to fill. Soon the lights got dim and the previews began to show. The theater got dark one more time and the Marvel Comics sequence rolled. There it was the first scene of the movie a younger Magneto...
I will not give away too much, but this film is a prequel that has an excellent back story that I loved and it was interesting to see how certain bonds were formed. I am not a X-Men connoisseur so therefore I am more familiar with the more popular characters such as: Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Ice Man, Gambit and others. In this film I and others become acquainted with a young Professor X, Magneto, Beast and Mystique, but also:
First Class and Villains
Mystique- Shape shifting mutant.
Beast- Genius/scientist.
Angel- Has housefly wings and her saliva is acidic.
Banshee- Capable of ultrasonic screaming used in different ways including flying.
Havok- Able to absorb energy and discharge it as a blast.
Darwin- Can adapt to his environment.
Sebastian Shaw (V)- Able to absorb kinetic and radiated energy and redirect it.
White Queen (V)- A telepath and able to turn herself into diamond form.
Azazel (V)- Teleports.
Riptide (V)- Creates powerful whirlwinds from his hands.
The casting for the film was great and the acting was good. During the film I kept trying to picture the young Professor X and Magneto as older and they didn't seem to fit. This casting may have been the franchises way of not only revamping the movie itself, but also a revamp of characters.
At the box office opening weekend the prequel X-Men First Class didn't have its usual flare, but it did rake in $56 million domestically and that's not just lunch money.
I give this movie a thumbs UP. I confident that if you go see this film you will enjoy the storyline, characters, action and you will have a "oh that's how it happened" moment.

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