Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Green Lantern- A Mediocre Film

I saw The Green Lantern on Friday night and I wouldn't go as far as to say it was bad or terrible, but it was simply MEDIOCRE. It was a mediocre film with a mediocre cast. Ryan Reynolds stars as Hal Jordan also known as The Green Lantern and although he was useful in the few comedic quips scattered throughout the film overall he could have been replaced. The only qualifications needed for the role of Hal Jordan was had to be male, tall, unfortunately white and muscular. Obviously ability to act was not on the list.
This film is based on the DC Comics character of the same name. Before this film I was not to familiar with The Green Lantern comic books or cartoons. A few years ago I had only viewed one video in which The Green Lantern made an appearance and that was a cartoon movie titled The Justice League and in that video he was a black man, but for this film they decided to go back to the original.
Carol Ferris, played by Blake Lively, is Hal's long time friend and love interest. This is only the second film I can recall seeing Blake Lively in and I do not watch Gossip Girls so I can only critique from the two films I have seen her in and she is not a bad actress, she just isn't good. She could be good though if she gets some advanced acting lessons because I don't believe she is the character she is to portray. Yet again she was perfect for this film because this was a mediocre movie.
Peter Sarsgaard plays the villain Dr. Hector Hammond who is extremely eccentric, but is a brilliant scientist. He becomes exposed to a substance that causes his brain to grow enormously and gives him powers. Sarsgaard actually played this role well I could see his eccentricity, awkwardness and his constant seeking of approval of his father Senator Robert Hammond played by Tim Robbins and his then later dive into darkness.
Also making an appearance in this film is Angela Bassett as Dr. Amanda Waller, Mark Strong as Thaal Sinestro Hal's mentor, and Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog.
This film was mediocre because with the scenes there was no smooth transition and some parts were just not believable. I realize this was a film about fantasy, but even still it was not convincing. I give this movie a THUMBS DOWN. Don't waste your time or money going to the theater to see this movie. Wait until it comes out on DVD or OnDemand...don't worry it will be out in a couple months.

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