Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Many are familiar with the 1968 Charlton Heston film classic Planet of the Apes and may also be familiar with the 2001 Mark Wahlberg film version also of the same name, but the 2011 version gives the us the watcher a view into how it came to be the planet of the apes.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes stars James Franco as scientist Will Rodman who has desperately been working to find a cure for Alzheimer's because his father Charles Rodman, played by John Lithgow, is suffering from the debilitating disease. The actor Andy Serkis (best known for his role as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy) plays the chimp Caesar who is taken in and raised by Will (Franco). As the film progress' you see Caesar growing up and developing, but after an incident he is taken from Will and that is where he starts to really discovery who he is and finds a purpose. I do not want to give too much away so I will leave it at that.

This film had a great storyline, action, substance, and good acting. The film did seem to have its slow parts, but overall it does not take away from the heartbeat of the film. You may walk out of the theater thinking, DEATH TO ALL CHIMPS! Or maybe the thought, scientist need to stop experimenting on them, but either way this is a good film and I recommend to go see it.

QUESTION: Do I have to see any previous Planet of the Apes movies before seeing this one? Overall I would say NO, because I have not even seen the 1968 version, but seeing the 2001 Mark Wahlberg version would kind of help put that extra outlook on the film, but even still nothing is added or taken away. If you haven't seen either one you will still be able to keep up and know what is going on.


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