Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Reason Why 'Anaconda' Is One Of My Favorite Movies

So, generally when I tell people that Anaconda is one of my favorite movies I either get a chuckle, a weird look or a dead silence and then the conversation switches to another topic like the weather.  I rarely ever share the reason behind why it is one of my favorite movies, but I am going to share it with you all now.

Anaconda was first released to theaters on April 11, 1997, five days before my 12th birthday which is beside the point because I never saw this movie in theaters and it probably wasn't until two years later when I actually did see it.  Anaconda starred Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Jon Voight and at that time a budding actor named Owen Wilson. 

A number of years ago NBC on Saturday and Sunday nights would show movies and one night this was the movie of the week sort of speak.  Now, in the 90's and even today, it was a common joke in the media and amongst black people that if there is a black person more specifically a black man in some type of horror film then most likely he would be the first to die.  So, I am watching this movie just waiting for Ice Cube's character Danny to be the first to go and halfway through the movie he is still alive and I'm thinking Jennifer Lopez's character Terri certainly isn't going to die because she's the lead. the end comes and everyone else has met their demise except Danny, Terri and Jon Voight's character Paul Serone.  This is interesting.  Then Paul Serone dies and after killing the anaconda Terri and Danny have survived the ordeal. 

Yay! The minorities live!

So, the long and the short of why Anaconda is one of my favorite movies is not because it was excellent acting or writing (written by Hans Bauer, Jim Cash and Jack Epps, Jr.) or directing it is because the Black guy and the Latina made it to the end.  That may be a racist thing to say, but it had a profound affect on me in terms of my movie watching.  I may still get snickers when I refer to this movie as one of my favorites, but at least now you know why.

By the way, I've easily seen this movie 100 times.  I watch it just about every time it comes on television.

End of Post
(John 3:16)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Washington Plus Wahlberg Equal '2 Guns'

The movie 2 Guns stars Denzel Washington as a DEA agent Robert Trench and Mark Wahlberg as undercover NCIS officer Michael Stigman.  Trench and Stigman are partnered up without them both being suspecting of the others true identity.  Trench and Stigman with good intentions believe they are going to take the money from a drug kingpin named Papi Greco played by Edward James Olmos, but this turns out not to be the case and Trench and Stigman wind up trying to piece together a very large puzzle.
Washington and Wahlberg played off each other very well in this buddy action film with its spats of humor.  The first twenty minutes or so could have been better portrayed, but overall the film ultimately comes together nicely.  Paula Patton is also in the film, but her role is so mediocre there was no real acting involved on her part.  Patton was put there to play the pretty girl and indeed mission accomplished.
I give 2 Guns 2 thumbs up.  If you are looking for a good action film with fluent dialogue, chemistry and want to see Paula Patton's breast then go see 2 Guns.

Friday, June 28, 2013

World War Z

After watching Dawn of the Dead a few years ago I gave up watching anything that had to do with zombies.  Deformed, discolored beings wanting to eat my flesh is my second biggest fear and my first fear is an alien invasion, but let's move on.
World War Z stars Brad Pitt (Angelina Jolie's baby daddy) and Mireille Enos (The Killing).  Gerry Lane (Pitt) is a former United Nations investigator and on a seemingly normal day with his wife Karin Lane (Enos) and two daughters things take a change for the worst. 
They do not explain in the movie what actually starts the outbreak, but of course I'm sure they will fit it all in on the second film. 
World War Z is suspenseful and full of action.  For someone that does not care for zombies there is a scene near the end when Gerry is a little too close for comfort and that scene was on my mind for the night.  If you are seeking a good thriller film then I definitely recommend World War Z.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Purge

I am very funny when it comes to seeing movies in the theater.  Usually if I do not see a movie within the first week or two then I do not see it until it comes to television, Netflix or another outlet.  I did however go see The Purge the second week it was in theaters when everyone else was going to see Man of Steel.  This suspenseful flick starred Ethan Hawke (Training Day, Daybreakers) the biggest name in the entire film. 

The Purge takes place in the year 2022 and there is a new America where crime and unemployment rates are at an all time low.  The government allows for one night a year a 12 hour period were all crimes are deemed legal including murder.

I was drawn to this movie because of the interesting storyline and a hint of a question in my mind, could this come true?

The Purge centers around the Sandin family James Sandin played by Ethan Hawke, James' wife Mary Sandin (Lena Headey), and his two children Zoey (Adelaide Kane) and Charlie (Max Burkholder).  The Sandins live in a gated community were they as well as their neighbors are considered to be the upper crust of society due to their wealth. 

Moments before the alarm sounds to commence the night of violence the Sandins arm their home and get settled in for a peaceful night, but it will turn out to be anything but peaceful. 
Charlie decides to provide sanctuary to a stranger desperately in need and it brings the attention of a band of preppy hunters only looking to purge on the helped stranger.  The leader of the hunters make a request to James Sandin, but when James refuses to comply the action begins.

The Purge has received mixed reviews, but the film had a production budget of $3 million and in its first week opening made $34.1 million and was number one at the box office.  A sequel is already in the works.

I give this film one thumb up because it does not have the greatest acting in the world and the action is mediocre.  I say wait until it comes to Netflix which will be in a couple months anyway.

Friday, May 18, 2012

I Did NOT like The Avengers

I think the reason I did not the blockbuster, number 1 for two weeks, action flick is because I went into the movie with high expectations and was sadly disappointed.  The very first scene left me with a feeling that the rest of the movie would be a let down.  The film did have its moments of laughter and of course action. 
It was nice to see the banter between the various personalities of Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), and the various other superheroes.  All from different backgrounds and times all brought together for the common good and to, of course save the world from impending doom.  Doom that is being caused by Thor's brother.
This is a film I would have to say you would have to go see for yourself. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

2013: The Hangover 3

I sure do hope that the world does not end in December because it has been announced that The Hangover Part III will be coming out some time in 2013. And yes, Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galafianakis have all signed on to reprise their roles as Phil, Stu and Alan. This will be the last film for 'The Hangover' franchise. I cannot help but wonder what exciting lays ahead for the wolf pack. So many questions like, will they go back to Vegas? Will Alan be the one getting married? Who will get lost and this trio will have to find them? Or will this be a totally new movie with a new plot? For right now those are all unanswered questions and we will just have the wait and see.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

40th Anniversary of The Godfather

On the AMC channel, best known for the shows Mad Men and The Walking Dead this week premiered The Godfather as a celebration of the films 40th year anniversary. Every evening AMC would rotate showing The Godfather and The Godfather Part II. All day Saturday they showed the entire saga in chronological order. It was quite unique and interesting to watch it in this way instead of the original movie version which in The Godfather Part II does flashbacks between Vito Corleone's boyhood and Michael Corleone's present day acension. In showing the film in chronological order we the viewers saw scenes that are not in the original film and it gave a wider glimpse at the various characters affiliated with the Corleone family such as Clemenza, Hyman Roth and many more.

The Godfather is one of the greatest sagas of all time and if you disagree, then you do not know movies. In my opinion it was perfectly cast and my fear is that someone will try to remake this iconic saga. If someone director, writer or producer wants to try their hand at a remake of this film then they have to have the perfect cast. Or better yet do not attempt to make a remake.

The AMC presentation of The Godfather really made my weekend grand.